𝗭𝗒𝗒𝗠 π—›π—”π—–π—ž β–Ί /console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6
𝗭𝗒𝗒𝗠 π—¦π— π—’π—’π—§π—›π—œπ—‘π—š β–Ί /console CameraReduceUnexpectedMovement 1
𝗦𝗛𝗔π—₯π—£π—˜π—‘ π—™π—œπ—Ÿπ—§π—˜π—₯ π—›π—”π—–π—ž β–Ί /console set ResampleAlwaysSharpen 1
Characters not turning fast using keyboard β–Ί /console turnspeed 3000 or /console turnspeed 200 /console turnspeed 2500
Allow the edit mode even for 0 player level β–Ί /script ShowUIPanel(EditModeManagerFrame)
script to stop showing addons error window β–Ί /console ScriptErrors 0 then try /rl
and if you want to show them back β–Ί /console ScriptErrors 1 then try /rl
Quest log reset track β–Ί /run C_CVar.SetCVar(“autoQuestWatch”, 1) C_CVar.SetCVar(“autoQuestProgress”, 1) C_UI.Reload()
Tooltip fixed using β–Ί /console UberTooltips 1
Activate water walking and fish β–Ί #showtooltip Underlight Angler /script PickupInventoryItem(28) for i = 0, 4 do local x = C_Container.GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i) if (x > 0) then PutItemInBag(30 + i) end end EquipItemByName(133755)
Fix release spirit button (The capitalization has to be exactly like that) β–Ί /script RepopMe();

Items # slots for using in macro e.g. #showtooltip /use 15

[ 1 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 10 ]
[ 2 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 6 ]
[ 3 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 7 ]
[ 15 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 8 ]
[ 5 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 11 ]
[ 4 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 12 ]
[ 19 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 13 ]
[ 9 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 14 ]
[ 16 ] . [ 17 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 18 ] <- [ 0 ]


0 = ammo 1 = head
2 = neck 3 = shoulder
4 = shirt 5 = chest
6 = belt 7 = legs
8 = feet 9 = wrist1
10 = gloves 11 = finger 1
12 = finger 2 13 = trinket 1
14 = trinket 2 15 = back
16 = main hand 17 = off hand
18 = ranged 19 = tabard
20 = first bag (the rightmost one) 21 = second bag
22 = third bag 23 = fourth bag (the leftmost one)


Source: wowpedia

/script SetRaidTarget(“target”, 6);

1= Star
2= Circle
3= Diamond
4= Triangle
5= Moon
6= Square
7= Cross
8= Skull

Macro Commands

Macro: A macro is a small script that is used to combine several actions in a single button, with the potential for a (limited) amount of intelligent choice without player input.

Command Use Syntax Notes
/cast Casts the ability, item or spell /cast [Conditonal] First Spell; [Conditional] Second Spell Identical to /use
/use Casts the ability, item or spell /use [Conditional] First Spell; [Conditional] Second Spell Identical to /cast
/castsequence Casts the abilities in order, then repeats /castsequence reset=ResetFunctions [Conditional] First Spell; Second Spell Can use reset= to determine when to return to the first ability
/castrandom Casts a random ability /castrandom [Conditional] First Spell; Second Spell
/stopmacro Stops the macro /stopmacro [Conditional] Helpful in creating if->then sequences
/target Targets the named unit /target Name
/assist Switches your target to your target’s target /assist [Conditional]
/targetlasttarget Switches your target to your previous target /targetlasttarget [Conditional]
/cleartarget Clears your target /cleartarget [Conditional]
/focus Focuses your target /focus [Conditional]
/clearfocus Clears your focus target /clearfocus [Conditional]
/targetenemy Targets your closest enemy /targetenemy [Conditional] Functionally identical to tab-target
/targetparty Targets your closest party member /targetparty [Conditional]
/targetraid Targets your closest raid member /targetraid [Conditional]
/equip Equips the named item /equip Name of Item
/equipslot Equips the named item in the selected slot /equip # Name of Item Full list of item slots
/cancelbuff Cancels the named buff /cancelbuff [Conditional] Buff Name
/cancelform Cancels your current form /cancelform [Conditional] Primarily used by Druids to return to Caster form
/dismount Cancels your current mount /dismount [Conditional]

Macro Conditionals are used to establish the parameters within which the commands you use will activate. For example,
/cast [harm] Shadow Word: Pain; [help] Power Word: Shield

Will cast Shadow Word: Pain if your target is unfriendly, and Power Word: Shield if your target is friendly. All conditionals can also be inverted with a prefix of no – for example, [harm] (is my target unfriendly) and [nohelp] (is my target not friendly) are functionally identical.

Macro Conditionals

Conditional Use Syntax Notes
Target Changes the target of your conditional/command to a different unit [target=unittype] Not a true conditional but a modifier
Harm TRUE if target is hostile [harm]
Help TRUE if target is friendly [help]
Exists TRUE if your target exists (i.e. if you have one) [exists]
Dead TRUE if your target is dead [dead]
Party TRUE if your target is a member of your party [party]
Raid TRUE if your target is a member of your raid [raid]
Group TRUE if your target is a member of your party or raid [Group:type] Can be used without a type to return true for either parties or raids
Stance TRUE if you are in the given stance or shapeshifting form [stance:#] Complete list of stances, can be used without a # to check if you are in any stance/form
Stealth TRUE if you are stealthed [stealth]
Combat TRUE if you are in combat [combat]
Channeling TRUE if you are channeling the named spell [channeling:spell] Can be used without a spell to determine if you are channeling a spell at all
Modifier TRUE if the selected modifier is pressed [modifier:type] Valid modifiers: shift, ctrl, alt
Button TRUE if that button was used to activate the macro [Button:#] Using a keybind is considered the same as a left-mouse click (1)
Equipped TRUE if the given item is equipped [equipped:item name]
Pet TRUE if the given pet’s name or type matches your active pet [pet:type/name]
Mounted TRUE if you are riding your mount [mounted] Not that kind of mounted
Flying TRUE if you are on a flying mount [flying]
Swimming TRUE if you are swimming [swimming]
Flyable TRUE if you are in a location where you can use a flying mount [flyable]
Indoors TRUE if you are indoors [indoors]
Outdoors TRUE if you are outdoors [outdoors]


Valid Unit IDs

UnitID Use Notes
player Yourself
focus Your focus target
pet Your current pet
party# The #’th member of your party 1-4 valid; player is excluded
raid# The #’th member of your raid 1-40 valid; player is included
mouseover The unit frame you mouseover’d Current or most recent
partypet# The #’th member of your party’s pet 1-4 valid; player is excluded
raidpet# The #’th member of your raid’s pet 1-40 valid; player is included

Here is a simple list of all my AddOns that I use daily for World of Warcraft: The War Within.

Name Description
ElvUI User game interface
AcceptPopups Control popup messages
AchievementsReminder Informs about achievements when you enter the instance or target the boss
Instance Achievement Tracker Track whether the criteria of achievements in raid or dungeons has been met or failed
Addon Control Panel Manage your addons in-game
Advanced Interface Options Restores access to removed interface options in Legion.
Addon Usage Compare the memory and CPU usage of your addons.
ALL THE THINGS Track your completion for everything.
WeakAuras A powerful, comprehensive utility for displaying graphics and information based on buffs, debuffs, and other triggers.
BigWigs Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.
LittleWigs Boss warnings for 5-man dungeons & scenarios.
Quartz AΒ modular approach to a casting bar addon
Details! Damage Meter Computes detailed info about combats.
Altoholic Alts management
ArkInventory Bags management
Baganator Use categories or single-view bag addon for World of Warcraft
BagSync Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in collective tooltips
Syndicator Required with Baganator, it will keep track of, search for and show in tooltips
Syndicator Money Show your money of all your characters
GladiusEx Arena enemy unit frames.
Astral Keys Custom Mythic+ Keystone manager for Guilds and friends.
Premade Groups Filter Allows filtering of premade groups using a UI or advanced filter expressions.
Raider.IO Mythic Plus and Raiding Shows Raider.IO Mythic+ Score and Raid Progress in-game.
Better Fishing Allows you to Fish and Hook with a single keybind.
BuyEmAll for The War Within Enhances the shift-click interface at vendors.
Simulationcraft Constructs SimC export strings.
BlizzMove It makes the Blizzard windows movable.
Easy Marker Plus Β lets you easily mark targets with raid symbols
Plater Powerful nameplates AddOn.
OmniCD New lightweight addon to track party cooldowns.
LargerMacroIconSelection Shows you a much bigger icon selection frame.
BugSack BugSack eases the process of viewing bugs.
BugGrabber BugGrabber is a small addon that simply grabs all Lua errors generated by WoW.
BigDebuffs BigDebuffs is an extremely lightweight addon that hooks the Blizzard raid frames to increase the debuff size of crowd control effects.
Better Wardrobe and Transmog Better transmog panel and allow for randomized transmog.
Auctionator Auctionator is designed for casual everyday auction house users.
Flash Taskbar Makes the wow icon on the windows task bar flash/blink
Friend List Colors Coloring your friends by class
FriendGroups Allows you to sort your friend list into collapsible groups
Global Ignore List and Chat Spam Filter A greatly enhanced (unlimited) character ignore system
HandyNotes Handy Notes for your maps.
GTFO An audible alert when you’re standing in something you’re not supposed to be standing in
InFlight TWW – Taxi Timer Flight timer mod that lets you know how long it will take to get to your destination
Mount Journal Enhanced Extends the ingame mount journal with some cool stuff.
Toy Box Enhanced Enhanced extends the default Toy Box with more filters and functions.
MountSpy Tells you what mount a player character is riding, whether you have collected it, and how to get it
Postal Enhanced mailbox
Prat 3.0 A chat enhancement
Rarity tracks how many times you’ve tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys.
Rematch A pet journal alternative for managing pets and teams.
SavedInstances Track of the instance/raid lockouts saved against your characters, and related currencies and cooldowns.
TomCat’s Tours Β Marks the locations of rare creatures and what notable loot they drop (mounts, pets, toys).
Tome of Teleportation Organize all of your teleporting spells and items into a single window.
Who Got Loots Β A little popup showing the item, who looted it.
World Quests List A compact list of all world quests
WQAchievements Alert you when a world quest is up that is needed for an achievement.
Zygor Guides Viewer High-quality in-game strategy guides will walk you step by step through every aspect of the game.

coming soon